For Immediate Release
February 15, 2018

Democratic challenger says state government must recognize new rights of the digital age to continue moving Forward

(Milwaukee) – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today proposed a 21st Century Bill of Rights to address the needs of Wisconsinites in the digital age. The 21st Century Bill of Rights features ten principles that cover important needs including Net Neutrality, rural broadband access, digital privacy, and protections for consumers and elections.

"The Bill of Rights codifies basic freedoms that all citizens of the United States share. As our lives have moved increasingly online, we need to enumerate our digital rights," said Flynn.

"Scott Walker has repeatedly failed to stand up for Wisconsinites' digital rights. It is time we had a governor who will address the issues of Internet access, privacy, and security."

Matt Flynn's 21st Century Bill of Rights:

  1. Internet users have the right to a free and open Internet. The State of Wisconsin is obligated to protect Net Neutrality.
  2. All Wisconsin citizens have the right to high-speed broadband Internet access.
  3. Local communities in Wisconsin have the right to form municipal broadband districts to preserve Net Neutrality, keep prices reasonable, and provide high-speed Internet to those currently without access.
  4. Internet users in Wisconsin have the right to digital privacy from state and local government. The government may not access user accounts without just cause.
  5. Private individuals in Wisconsin have the right to digital privacy from other private Internet users.
  6. Wisconsin citizens have the right to protection from Internet fraud and unfair practices.
  7. Wisconsin citizens have the right to free and fair elections, safe from digital interference.
  8. The State of Wisconsin has the right and the responsibility to take full measures to protect itself from cyber-attacks.
  9. Wisconsin students have the right to computer education to prepare them for the future.
  10. Wisconsin citizens have both the right to access an Internet free of censorship and the right to know when information on the Internet is false, misleading, or satirical.