For Immediate Release
March 27, 2018
(Milwaukee) – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today blasted Scott Walker’s legacy of broken promises to the people of Wisconsin.
“Scott Walker is more scared than ever going into the 2018 election, because he knows voters are tired of his broken promises,” said Flynn.
Flynn pointed to 10 of Walker’s broken promises to the people of Wisconsin.
250,000 family-supporting jobs created by 2015
In 2010, Walker repeatedly promised 250,000 jobs would be created in Wisconsin by the end of his first term. He never came close to fulfilling this pledge. As of the start of 2018, that goal is still unmet. But we would have had those jobs and more by now, if job growth in Wisconsin had kept up with job growth nationally.
Wisconsin is “Open for Business!”
Upon his 2010 election, Walker touted that Wisconsin was “Open for Business” – going so far as to put the slogan on the “Welcome” signs on the state borders. But if Wisconsin is “open for business” as he claims, then he needs to explain why we’re dead last nationally in new business startups.
Using GAAP to balance the state budget
In his 2010 campaign, Walker claimed his predecessor used “tricks” to balance the state budget, and that he instead would “require the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to balance every state budget.” He never did. He took credit for balancing the state budget, but neglected to mention he used the same so-called “tricks” he criticized Doyle for using.
“Not interested” in Right-To-Work
For several years after passing Act 10, Walker insisted he wasn’t interested in a Right-To-Work law to weaken private-sector labor unions, going so far as to claim “private-sector unions are my partner in economic development.” When grilled by reporters he said, “It’s not going to get to my desk. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it isn’t there.” He signed Right-To-Work into law almost immediately after his 2014 re-election.
“Strip policy and pork projects from the state budget”
On his 2010 campaign website, Walker claimed, “The budget process should be about funding essential government services based on the taxpayers’ ability to pay. It should not be about horse trading for special interest groups or establishing talking points for the next campaign.” But he has allocated billions of dollars in handouts to corporations, including as much as $4.5 billion to Foxconn.
Taxpayer investment in Foxconn returned by 2044
The Walker Administration claims that revenues generated by Foxconn-related jobs will have paid for the Foxconn investment by 2044, 25 years in the future. But even those estimates assumed that the money wouldn’t go to other states, neglected to account for the interest it could have generated, and made the false assumption that 100% of the jobs would go to Wisconsinites. In reality, it is unlikely that Wisconsin taxpayers will ever break even on this deal.
Investing in infrastructure for our farmers
In 2010, Walker claimed he would “invest in our state’s infrastructure to ensure farmers can move their products to market for years to come,” including technological infrastructure. Today, Wisconsin roads are in disrepair and seriously underfunded. What funding is being made is being put on the state credit card. Additionally, Wisconsin’s rural broadband Internet access is extremely limited, and as of 2016, the state ranks 49th in the nation for Internet speeds.
“Recruit, retain, and reward great teachers”
Walker claimed in 2010 that he would “recruit, retain, and reward great teachers,” but today Wisconsin faces a major teacher shortage. Walker’s anti-union laws economically punished teachers for choosing their profession, and teachers are leaving the state or the profession in droves.
“Restore Wisconsin’s reputation for clean and honest government”
In 2010, Walker claimed he would increase transparency and safeguard ethical government in Madison. Instead, he dismantled the nationally-renowned Government Accountability Board and tried to gut the state’s open records law. He also created and oversees a giant slush fund in the form of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to benefit his donors.
Protect Wisconsin natural resources
On his 2010 campaign website, Walker claimed he would “Use a balanced and science-based approach to protect our lakes, rivers and streams from invasive species.” Instead Walker has degraded science and dismantled Wisconsin’s environmental legacy. He has silenced discussion of climate change by state employees and rolled back important environmental protections to satisfy corporate interests.
“Wisconsin deserves better,” said Flynn. “We deserve a governor we can trust. We deserve a governor who follows through on his promises in election years and after the election is over. Scott Walker has proven to us he’s not that governor, and he never will be.”
“I’m running for governor to bring the change in leadership Wisconsin deserves, and to move our great state Forward again.”