For Immediate Release
March 6, 2018
(Milwaukee) – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today made the following statement regarding Walker’s “welfare reform” plans.
“Cutting food stamps, BadgerCare coverage, and other benefits might save the state money in the short term, but it will not make anyone’s lives better. The strings Walker wants to attach to benefits are intended to shame the recipients, not help them. We should focus instead on pulling people out of poverty rather than pushing them further towards destitution.
“My approach to ‘welfare reform’ is economic opportunity. If we raise the minimum wage and reverse the anti-union laws, we can pull people out of poverty. Higher wages is the key. Walker has forced wage-killing policies on Wisconsin for seven years. Adjusted for inflation, median hourly wages are lower than they were under Jim Doyle. The result is more people depend on the state for food stamps, health coverage, and more.”